Project Introduction

My Sim Rig's Birthday

The goal of this website is to provide a central place for people to share their own experiences in building a "Sim Gaming" platform.

The thing that was very apparent to me when I proceeded down the path of building my own rig, was that while information is out there in forums and other sites, it was scattered between posts and threads, and it was hard to follow from beginning to end. I had a really hard time finding a good go-to website to answer my specific build questions, and in the end, the best resources to me were photo galleries that included no real description of the build, but photos of rig, and sometimes photos showing different stages of the build itself.

Users will be able to share their gaming rigs with the rest of the community and the internet at large. You will be able to build out lists of the hardware used in your build, upload photos and plans, and if you want, document your build progress. If you wish to recieve feedback, you can enable comments on your content, and participate in discussions with other users on the site. Product ratings and reviews will be very useful in a shared context like this, and guides can be written to help people with particular hardware or software problems they may encounter along the way.

It's going to take me a little while to get this site functional, but I hope you come along for the ride and share my interest in what will be possible here.

I will work on some example pages while I flush out the backend implementation. You can view them below!